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Courses   (Click link you want below)


Marine Radio (SRC)


RYA First Aid


Details of power and sailing courses





Marine Radio (SRC)



A course for anyone who owns a fixed or handheld marine VHF radio.



The Short-Range Certificate is the minimum qualification required by law to control the operation of VHF and VHF Digital Selective

Calling (DSC) equipment on any British flagged vessel voluntarily fitted with a radio. This includes both fixed and handheld equipment using international channels.

A radio is an important piece of safety equipment on board, and it is vital to understand the correct procedures. Unnecessary transmissions could block out a Mayday distress call.

All new fixed VHF sets are either fitted, or can be interfaced, with DSC allowing calls to specific vessels. If you hold the ‘old’ VHF licence (pre-1999) you need to upgrade your qualification if you purchase new equipment. This can be done by attending this one-day course or booking the online course and exam.

Course topics include:

  • the basics of radio operation

  • the correct frequencies (channels) to be used

  • distress, emergency and medical assistance procedures

  • Digital Selective Calling (DSC) using simulators

  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

  • Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB)

  • Personal Locator Beacons (PLB)

  • Search and Rescue (SART)

    The course will be taught and examined using Icom radio training sets. The exam will also include a short written test.

    The SRC course can be taken in the classroom or online with an RYA recognised training centre. The exam must be taken at a training centre.

    Liverpool Sailing Club can recommend excellent providers of the online course (contact us for details), but if you have done the online course elsewhere, we are happy to offer the examination only.


    Course £100 to include the RYA SRC Course Pack and refreshments.       

    The examination fee is £70 payable separately.

    Exam only following online course elsewhere £70 fee.













RYA First Aid


Our one-day course covers all the usual first aid subjects, but from a boating perspective.




It is aimed at anyone who goes afloat, whether on inland waters, rivers, estuaries or on cross channel passages.

In a medical emergency a little first aid knowledge and immediate action can save lives, especially in remote locations.

This course is designed to provide a working knowledge of first aid for people using small craft and to support skippers.

It fulfils the requirements for:

  • professional skippers of small craft working within 60 miles of a safe haven, including Boat masters.

  • the Senior First Aid certificate needed by offshore racers subject to ISAF's regulations on first aid training (OSR 4.08.4).

    The course is recommended by the MCA and HSE. 

    The subjects specific to boating include:

  • the recovery position in a confined space

  • CPR, including the drowning protocol

  • cold shock and hypothermia from immersion and/or exposure

  • seasickness and dehydration

  • medical assistance or advice by VHF

  • helicopter rescue


    We can run the course as a 1 day, 2 half days or 3 evening sessions.

    We restrict numbers on each course to ensure everyone gets maximum time doing the practical exercises.




    Non-members £85 (discount available to members of a RYA Affiliated Club)

    Members        £50


    Includes the latest RYA First Aid Handbook and refreshments.


















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